I joined about 20 Hollenbeck Division Police Officers yesterday morning on a run through Boyle Heights for the 2008 Special Olympics Torch Run. The run was a fundraiser leading up to this weekend’s Southern California Special Olympics to be held at California State University, Long Beach. The Hollenbeck officers were led by division Capt. Blake Chow and Capt. Tina Nieto. I was proud to carry the torch through the streets and that members of the community came out to support us by waiving or honking from their cars. The Special Olympics is a terrific event that gives thousands of children and adults a chance to celebrate their success and reach their full potential. It also demonstrates once again how much our LAPD officers care about the community.
Another thing it demonstrated was that I need to get more exercise. My legs are a little sore today. But it was worth it. The Hollenbeck Division officers helped raise hundreds of dollars for the Special Olympics. In all, more than 3,500 officers carried the Special Olympic Torch for over 1,500 miles.
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